

This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of Computer Science that will provide students with a foundation for future courses in Computer Science. The course is a broad survey of the discipline through topics that allow students to understand the capabilities of computer systems in terms of: the computer architecture; operating systems and computer networks; software and software development; data organization and visualization; and the potential of computing machines.

The Fundamentals of Computing [CMPS1134] course is the course offered by the University of Belize as one of the first professional core courses for students majoring in Information Technology.

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Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)

  1. Discuss several important application areas of computer science which include Data, Operating Systems, Networking, Internet, Algorithms, Programming Languages, and Software Engineering.
  2. Describe and differentiate between the major issues in several sub disciplines of computer science that include: Computer Architecture, OSs, Networks, Software, Data, and the Potential of Machines.
  3. Analyze algorithmically, classify problems into a type and choose a suitable algorithmic approach for yielding a solution, and phrasing solutions to such problems in a logical and precise way.
  4. Construct programs using computer languages to accomplish a variety of tasks and write clear and concise documentation for such programs.
  5. Construct data representations using lists, scalars, and trees; and evaluate and defend their choices.
  6. Compare the complexity of solutions and accurately evaluate the relative costs of the solutions.